Joining together to fight COVID-19

Joining together to fight COVID-19

As COVID-19 rampages across the globe, every country in the world has been thrust into uncharted waters. Scientists are working around the clock to develop treatments, curatives, and vaccines to combat this virulent virus, but until these efforts are successful, we are left without a medical recourse against this disease. The bottom line is that it’s up to each of us to do whatever we can to protect ourselves and those around us from the spread of Coronavirus.

Woman worried about unpaid bills

To complicate this process, the global pandemic has resulted in economic volatility, causing many to lose their jobs and even their homes, and significantly increasing the number of people experiencing food insecurity. “Since February, 26% of Americans report they or a member of their household have gone without meals or relied on charities or government programs to obtain groceries…”1

Making sure that everyone has access to good quality food is a critical step in fighting COVID-19. We at The GHT Companies feel strongly that those of us who have the capabilities to help people in need, must step up at this time. We’ve joined forces with Feeding San Diego to help reach the goal of ensuring everyone in our community stays fed and healthy.

Senior man exercising by lifting hand weights

GHT: our mission is nutrition

The GHT Companies was founded on the principle that high quality nutraceuticals can help support good health and a strong immune system. But good health must start with a nutritious diet. ” . . . a balanced diet consisting of a range of vitamins and minerals, combined with healthy lifestyle factors like adequate sleep and exercise and low stress, effectively primes the body to fight infection and disease.”2

One people; one nation

Addressing food insecurity is one pathway toward helping people in our community at this unprecedented time, but there are many other areas of need. We hope those who can help are inspired to step forward and make a difference, because the way to survive this crisis is to do what we do best — pull together as one people: one nation and fight.


1 in 4 Americans are skipping meals or relying on food donations during the coronavirus pandemic , CNBC LLC. 
Nutrition and Immunity, Harvard T.H. Chan | School of Public Health. 

NOTE: The CNBC LLC, and The President and Fellows of Harvard College, have not reviewed or approved the above article.